This paper investigates a variational model for splines in the image metamorphosis model for the the smooth interpolation of key frames in the space of images. The original metamorphosis model is based on a simultaneous transport of image intensities and a modulation of intensities along motion trajectories and the energy functional measures the motion velocity and the material derivative of the image intensity. As in the case of cubic splines in Euclidean space where cubic splines are known to minimize the squared acceleration along the interpolation path we consider different acceleration terms to define a spline metamorphis model. In fact, the proposed spline functional combines quadratic functionals of the Eulerian motion acceleration and of the second material derivative representing an acceleration in the change of intensities along motion paths. Furthermore, a variational time discretization of this spline model is proposed and the convergence to a suitably relaxed time continuous model is discussed via $\Gamma$-convergence methodology. As a byproduct, this also allows to establish the existence of metamorphosis splines for given key frame images as minimizers of the continuous spline functional. An effective spatial discretization is proposed based on a finite difference discretization in space combined with a stable B-spline interpolation of deformed quantities. A variety of numerical examples demonstrates the robustness and versatility of the proposed method in applications using a variant of the iPALM algorithm for the minimization of the fully discrete energy functional.
翻译:本文调查图像变形模型中图像变形模型样板的变异模型, 用于图像空间中关键框架的平稳内插。 原始变形模型基于图像强度的同步传输和运动轨迹的强度调整, 以及能函数测量图像强度的动态速度和物质衍生物的能量功能性。 如在欧clidean空间的立方样条纹线, 其已知的立方样板样条可以最大限度地减少在图像空间内插入路径上的平方加速度。 我们认为, 用于定义螺旋变形模型的加速度条件不同。 事实上, 拟议的细度功能性功能模型结合了Eulerian动作加速和第二个物质衍生物在运动路径上的强度变化加速。 此外, 提议通过 $\ Gamma$- convergle 方法来讨论变异模型的变异性, 并以此来确定不同加速度的加速度加速度值模型的存在。 并且, 将一个功能性变异性模型的立变性模型的立式模型与一个稳定的硬性模型的硬性模型, 在一个稳定的硬性模型上, 一个稳定的硬性模型的硬性模型, 在一个稳定的空间变变变变形模型中, 。