In the past few years, domain-specific accelerators (DSAs), such as Google's Tensor Processing Units, have shown to offer significant performance and energy efficiency over general-purpose CPUs. An important question is whether typical software developers can design and implement their own customized DSAs, with affordability and efficiency, to accelerate their applications. This article presents our answer to this question.
翻译:过去几年来,谷歌的Tensor处理股等具体域加速器(DSAs)显示,相对于通用CPU系统而言,其性能和能效相当可观,一个重要问题是典型软件开发商能否设计和实施自己定制的DSA系统,以方便、高效的方式加速应用。 这篇文章为我们提供了这一问题的答案。