We give a deterministic algorithm for finding the minimum (weight) cut of an undirected graph on $n$ vertices and $m$ edges using $\text{polylog}(n)$ calls to any maximum flow subroutine. Using the current best deterministic maximum flow algorithms, this yields an overall running time of $\tilde O(m \cdot \min(\sqrt{m}, n^{2/3}))$ for weighted graphs, and $m^{4/3+o(1)}$ for unweighted (multi)-graphs. This marks the first improvement for this problem since a running time bound of $\tilde O(mn)$ was established by several papers in the early 1990s. Our global minimum cut algorithm is obtained as a corollary of a minimum Steiner cut algorithm, where a minimum Steiner cut is a minimum (weight) set of edges whose removal disconnects at least one pair of vertices among a designated set of terminal vertices. The running time of our deterministic minimum Steiner cut algorithm matches that of the global minimum cut algorithm stated above. Using randomization, the running time improves to $m^{1+o(1)}$ because of a faster maximum flow subroutine; this improves the best known randomized algorithm for the minimum Steiner cut problem as well. Our main technical contribution is a new tool that we call *isolating cuts*. Given a set of vertices $R$, this entails finding cuts of minimum weight that separate (or isolate) each individual vertex $v\in R$ from the rest of the vertices $R\setminus \{v\}$. Na\"ively, this can be done using $|R|$ maximum flow calls, but we show that just $O(\log |R|)$ suffice for finding isolating cuts for any set of vertices $R$. We call this the *isolating cut lemma*.
翻译:我们给出了一种确定性算法, 以找到以美元为顶点的未调整的图表的最小值( 重量), 以美元为底值( 倍数) 和 美元为底值( 倍数) 。 这标志着自1990年代初期若干论文确定美元为顶点的流量子程。 我们全球最低削减算法的必然结果是最小的施泰纳削减算法, 其中施泰纳的最小削减量是最低的( 重量) 的边缘, 其去除速度至少为一对峰值, 并且指定一个终点值( 倍数) 。 我们的确定性最低值( =4/3+o(1) 美元) 的离值( 倍数) 。 我们的最小值( 倍数) 的离值( 美元) 直值( 美元) 直值( 美元) 的离值( 美元) 。