In Bayesian Network Structure Learning (BNSL), one is given a variable set and parent scores for each variable and aims to compute a DAG, called Bayesian network, that maximizes the sum of parent scores, possibly under some structural constraints. Even very restricted special cases of BNSL are computationally hard, and, thus, in practice heuristics such as local search are used. A natural approach for a local search algorithm is a hill climbing strategy, where one replaces a given BNSL solution by a better solution within some pre-defined neighborhood as long as this is possible. We study ordering-based local search, where a solution is described via a topological ordering of the variables. We show that given such a topological ordering, one can compute an optimal DAG whose ordering is within inversion distance $r$ in subexponential FPT time; the parameter $r$ allows to balance between solution quality and running time of the local search algorithm. This running time bound can be achieved for BNSL without structural constraints and for all structural constraints that can be expressed via a sum of weights that are associated with each parent set. We also introduce a related distance called `window inversions distance' and show that the corresponding local search problem can also be solved in subexponential FPT time for the parameter $r$. For two further natural modification operations on the variable orderings, we show that algorithms with an FPT time for $r$ are unlikely. We also outline the limits of ordering-based local search by showing that it cannot be used for common structural constraints on the moralized graph of the network.
翻译:在Bayesian网络结构学习( Bansian Inform Slearing ) 中,对每个变量给一个变量设置变量和母数分数,目的是计算一个名为Bayesian 网络的DAG, 使母数总和最大化, 这可能是在某种结构性限制下。 即使非常有限的BNSL的特殊案例也是计算上硬的, 因而, 在实际中, 本地搜索算法是一种自然的方法, 当地搜索算法是一种攀升策略, 尽可能在一个预定义的邻里以更好的解决方案取代给给定的 BNSL 解决方案。 我们研究基于指令的本地搜索, 其解决方案是通过变量的表层顺序排序来描述的。 我们显示一个最佳的DAGAG, 其排序在倒置距离以内, 美元为本地搜索算法的运行时间段。 参数 参数能平衡解决方案质量和本地搜索算法的运行时间段。 对于 BNSL, 可以在没有结构性限制的情况下为 BNSL 和所有结构性限制进行时间约束, 可以通过一个重量总重量总和每个母数排序的计算, 本地运行中, 也显示一个相关的里程的里程里程, 。