A Genome rearrangement problem studies large-scale mutations on a set of DNAs in living organisms. Various rearrangements like reversals, transpositions, translocations, fissions, fusions, and combinations and different variations have been studied extensively by computational biologists and computer scientists over the past four decades. From a mathematical point of view, a genome is represented by a permutation. The genome rearrangement problem is interpreted as a problem that transforms one permutation into another in a minimum number of moves under certain constraints depending on the chosen rearrangements. Finding the minimum number of moves is equivalent to sorting the permutation with the given rearrangement. A transposition is an operation on a permutation that moves a sublist of a permutation to a different position in the same permutation. A \emph{Prefix Transposition}, as the name suggests, is a transposition that moves a sublist which is a prefix of the permutation. In this thesis, we study prefix transpositions on permutations and present a better upper bound for sorting permutations with prefix transpositions. A greedy algorithm called the \emph{generalised sequence length algorithm} is defined as an extension of the sequence length algorithm where suitable alternate moves are also considered. This algorithm is used to sequentially improve the upper bound to $n-\log_{3.3} n$ and $n-\log_3 n$. In the latter part of the thesis, we defined the concept of a \emph{block}. We used it along with the greedy moves of the generalised sequence length algorithm to get an upper bound of $n-\log_2 n$ to sort permutations by prefix transpositions.
翻译:基因组重新排列问题研究的是活生物体中一组DNA的大规模变异。 计算生物学家和计算机科学家在过去40年中广泛研究了各种变异, 例如逆转、 变异、 移位、 移位、 裂变、 组合、 组合和不同的变异。 从数学角度看, 基因组代表的是变异。 基因组重新排列问题被解释为一个问题, 将一个变异转换成一个在特定变异条件下至少若干动作的调异。 在所选择的变顺序下, 最小动作的数量相当于用给定的变异变排序排序。 一个变异的操作是在一个变异变的子列表上移动。 一个变异的变异性变异变是, 一个变异变的变异性变变变的变序是一个变异变异的变变变的变异式。 一个变异的变异变变变变的变的变变变的变变变的变变变变的变式, 一个变变变变的变变的变的变变的变的变的变变变的变的变的变的变的变变式, 的变的变变变变的变的变的变变的变的变的变的变的变的变变的变的变的变的变的变的变的变的变的变的变的变的变。