Medical data involves a large amount of personal information and is highly privacy sensitive. In the age of big data, the increasing informatization of healthcare makes it vital that medical information is stored securely and accurately. However, current medical information is subject to the risk of privacy leakage and difficult to share. To address these issues, this paper proposes a healthcare information security storage solution based on Hyperledger Fabric and the Attribute-Based Access Control (ABAC) framework. The scheme first utilizes attribute-based access control, which allows dynamic and fine-grained access to medical information, and then stores the medical information in the blockchain, which can be secured and tamper-proof by formulating corresponding smart contracts. In addition, this solution also incorporates IPFS technology to relieve the storage pressure of the blockchain. Experiments show that the proposed scheme combining access control of attributes and blockchain technology in this paper can not only ensure the secure storage and integrity of medical information but also has a high throughput when accessing medical information.
翻译:医疗数据涉及大量个人信息和高度隐私敏感。在大数据时代,医疗信息的日益信息化使得医疗信息安全、准确地储存至关重要。然而,目前的医疗信息有隐私泄漏的风险,难以分享。为解决这些问题,本文件提出一个基于Hyperledger Fabric和基于属性的访问控制(ABAC)框架的保健信息安全储存解决方案。该计划首先利用基于属性的准入控制,允许动态和细微的获取医疗信息,然后将医疗信息储存在链条上,通过制定相应的智能合同,可以确保这些信息的安全并防作弊。此外,这一解决方案还纳入了GIPS技术,以减轻该链条的储存压力。实验表明,将本文件中的属性的准入控制与基于属性的访问控制(ABAC)技术相结合的拟议计划不仅能够确保医疗信息的安全存储和完整性,而且在获取医疗信息时也有很高的吞吐量。