项目名称: 政府中期支出框架体系研究
项目编号: No.71350020
项目类型: 专项基金项目
立项/批准年度: 2014
项目学科: 管理科学
项目作者: 李俊生
作者单位: 中央财经大学
项目金额: 90万元
中文摘要: 从实践来看,引入中期支出框架是世界上大多数国家预算改革和发展的大趋势;就理论而言,中期支出框架理论是目前世界上最热门、最具前沿性财政理论问题之一;从政策走向来看,十八届三中全会提出:要改进预算管理制度,审核预算的重点由平衡状态、赤字规模向支出预算和政策拓展;建立跨年度预算平衡机制,建立规范合理的中央和地方政府债务管理及风险预警机制。中期支出框架的核心价值和功能正与此相契合。基于此,在我国开展引入中期支出框架的相关研究既具有迫切的现实意义,也具有重要的理论价值。本项目拟根据我国国情,在深入研究国际中期支出框架实践经验的基础上,审慎设计适应于我国特殊的政策需要和财政状况的中期支出框架模式,为进一步完善分税制财政体制和绩效预算提供基础性的框架体系设计,为我国财政预算体制变革提供决策参考。本研究项目的创新之处:一是建立分析中期支出框架的一般研究范式;二是建构具有中国特色的中期支出框架模式。
中文关键词: 中期预算框架(MTEFs);年度预算;融合;;
英文摘要: From a practical point of view, the introduction of Medium-Term Expenditure Framework(MTEF) represents a trend in budget reform and development of most countries; from a theoretical point of view, MTEF theory focuses on the most cutting-edge academic topic in financial area; as it is proposed in the Eighth Third Plenary Session, (China is going to) improve the budget management system, extend budgeting auditing focus from balanced budget and deficit size to spending budget and policies; establish multi-year budget balancing mechanism, base government consolidated financial reporting system on accrual basis principle, adopt practical debt management and risk warning mechanism for central and local government. The MTEF provides a scientific theoretic way to achieve those goals, therefore, related researches are of great practical and theoretical importance. This project is supposed to carefully deign a MTEF coordinating China’s policy practice and financial condition, on the base of thorough understanding of its practical experience and China’s reality. Such MTEF will provide guidance for further improvement of tax sharing system and performance budgeting framework, a reference for upcoming reform in budget system. The innovation of this research project is to: a) explore a general research paradigm in analyzing M
英文关键词: Medium Term Expenditure Frameworks (MTEFs);annual budget system;integration;;