In course of the organization of Workshop III entitled "Cited References Analysis Using CRExplorer" at the International Conference of the International Society for Scientometrics and Informetrics (ISSI2021), we have prepared three reference publication year spectroscopy (RPYS) analyses: (i) papers published in Journal of Informetrics; (ii) papers regarding the topic altmetrics; and (iii) papers published by Ludo Waltman (we selected this researcher since he received the Derek de Solla Price Memorial Medal during the ISSI2021 conference). The first RPYS analysis has been presented live at the workshop and the second and third RPYS analyses have been left to the participants for undertaking after the workshop. Here, we present the results for all three RPYS analyses. The three analyses have shown quite different seminal papers with a few overlaps. Many of the foundational papers in the field of scientometrics (e.g., distributions of publications and citations, citation network and co-citation analyses, and citation analysis with the aim of impact measurement and research evaluation) were retrieved as seminal papers of the papers published in Journal of Informetrics. Mainly papers with discussions of the deficiencies of citation-based impact measurements and comparisons between altmetrics and citations were retrieved as seminal papers of the topic altmetrics. The RPYS analysis of the paper set published by Ludo Waltman mainly retrieved papers about network analyses, citation relations, and citation impact measurement.
翻译:在组织国际科学测量和测量学会国际会议(ISSI2021)上举办的题为“利用计算器进行参考分析”的第三次讲习班期间,我们编写了三份参考出版物年度光谱分析(RPYS)分析:(一)在《计量学期刊》上发表的论文;(二)关于专题测量的论文;(二)Ludo Walterman(自从他在ISSI21年会议期间收到德里克·德索拉价格纪念奖章以来,我们选择了这位研究人员)的论文。 第一次RPYS分析已在讲习班上现场发表,第二次和第三次RPYS分析留待讲习班结束后的参加者进行。在这里,我们介绍了所有三份RPYS分析的结果。这三份分析显示了相当不同的精度论文,但有一些重叠。许多在科学计量领域的基础论文(例如出版物的分发和引文、引文网络和注释分析,以及带有影响分析目的的RPYS分析。