Connectivity in temporal graphs relies on the notion of temporal paths, in which edges follow a chronological order (either strict or non-strict). In this work, we investigate the question of how to make a temporal graph connected. More precisely, we tackle the problem of finding, among a set of proposed temporal edges, the smallest subset such that its addition makes the graph temporally connected (TCA). We study the complexity of this problem and variants, under restricted lifespan of the graph, i.e. the maximum time step in the graph. Our main result on TCA is that for any fixed lifespan at least 2, it is NP-complete in both the strict and non-strict setting. We additionally provide a set of restrictions in the non-strict setting which makes the problem solvable in polynomial time and design an algorithm achieving this complexity. Interestingly, we prove that the source variant (making a given vertex a source in the augmented graph) is as difficult as TCA. On the opposite, we prove that the version where a list of connectivity demands has to be satisfied is solvable in polynomial time, when the size of the list is fixed. Finally, we highlight a variant of the previous case for which even with two pairs the problem is already NP-hard.