Compared with raw images, the more common JPEG images are less useful for machine vision algorithms and professional photographers because JPEG-sRGB does not preserve a linear relation between pixel values and the light measured from the scene. A camera is said to be radiometrically calibrated if there is a computational model which can predict how the raw linear sensor image is mapped to the corresponding rendered image (e.g. JPEGs) and vice versa. This paper begins with the observation that the rank order of pixel values are mostly preserved post colour correction. We show that this observation is the key to solving for the whole camera pipeline (colour correction, tone and gamut mapping). Our rank-based calibration method is simpler than the prior art and so is parametrised by fewer variables which, concomitantly, can be solved for using less calibration data. Another advantage is that we can derive the camera pipeline from a single pair of raw-JPEG images. Experiments demonstrate that our method delivers state-of-the-art results (especially for the most interesting case of JPEG to raw).
翻译:与原始图像相比,更常见的JPEG图像对机器视觉算法和专业摄影师没有多大用处,因为JPEG-SRGB没有在像素值和从现场测量的光线之间保持线性关系。 据说,如果有一个计算模型可以预测原始线性传感器图像如何映射到相应的成像(如JPEGs),反之亦然。本文首先指出,像素值的等级顺序大多保存在彩色校正之后。我们显示,这一观察是解决整个相机管道的关键(色校、音调和伽木图绘制)。我们基于级校准的方法比以前的艺术简单,因此通过较少的变量进行平行校准。另一个优点是,我们可以从一对原始JPEG图像中获取摄像管。实验表明,我们的方法提供了最新的结果(特别是最有趣的JEG到原始)。