A lot of work has been done to reach the best possible performance of predictive models on images. There are fewer studies about the resilience of these models when they are trained on image datasets that suffer modifications altering their original quality. Yet this is a common problem that is often encountered in the industry. A good example of that is with earth observation satellites that are capturing many images. The energy and time of connection to the earth of an orbiting satellite are limited and must be carefully used. An approach to mitigate that is to compress the images on board before downloading. The compression can be regulated depending on the intended usage of the image and the requirements of this application. We present a new software tool with the name iquaflow that is designed to study image quality and model performance variation given an alteration of the image dataset. Furthermore, we do a showcase study about oriented object detection models adoption on a public image dataset DOTA Xia_2018_CVPR given different compression levels. The optimal compression point is found and the usefulness of iquaflow becomes evident.
翻译:为了取得图像预测模型的最佳性能,已经做了大量工作,以取得图像预测模型的最佳性能。关于这些模型在接受图像数据集培训时的弹性性能的研究较少,这些模型的原始质量正在发生变化。然而,这是行业中经常遇到的一个常见问题。地球观测卫星捕捉了许多图像,这是一个很好的例子。轨道卫星与地球连接的能量和时间有限,必须谨慎使用。一种缓解方法,即在下载前压缩机上图像。压缩可以根据图像的预期用途和此应用程序的要求加以规范。我们推出一个新的软件工具,其名称为 iqualproll,目的是根据图像数据集的变化研究图像质量和模型性能变异。此外,我们还对公共图像数据集DOTA Xia_2018_CVPR采用定向物体探测模型的情况进行了示范研究,其压缩程度不同。发现最佳压缩点,并显示iqualpoll的有用性。