An ensemble of classifiers combines several single classifiers to deliver a final prediction or classification decision. An increasingly provoking question is whether such systems can outperform the single best classifier. If so, what form of an ensemble of classifiers (also known as multiple classifier learning systems or multiple classifiers) yields the most significant benefits in the size or diversity of the ensemble itself? Given that the tests used to detect autism traits are time-consuming and costly, developing a system that will provide the best outcome and measurement of autism spectrum disorder (ASD) has never been critical. In this paper, several single and later multiple classifiers learning systems are evaluated in terms of their ability to predict and identify factors that influence or contribute to ASD for early screening purposes. A dataset of behavioural data and robot-enhanced therapy of 3,000 sessions and 300 hours, recorded from 61 children are utilised for this task. Simulation results show the superior predictive performance of multiple classifier learning systems (especially those with three classifiers per ensemble) compared to individual classifiers, with bagging and boosting achieving excellent results. It also appears that social communication gestures remain the critical contributing factor to the ASD problem among children.
翻译:一组分类者(又称多个分类者学习系统或多个分类者)在组合本身的大小或多样性方面产生最重大的好处?鉴于检测自闭症特征的测试耗时费钱,开发一个能够提供自闭症谱系障碍最佳结果和计量的系统从未如此重要。在本文件中,若干单个和后来多个分类者学习系统从预测和确定影响或有助于ASSD的因素的能力的角度来评价,以便进行早期筛选。从61名儿童记录的行为数据和机器人强化疗法为3 000个课和300个小时。模拟结果显示,与个人分类者相比,多个分类者学习系统(特别是每组有3个分类者的系统)的预测性能优异,与个人分类者相比,在包装和提升儿童取得杰出的姿态方面,社会交流仍然很困难。