This article describes the design and development of robotic prototypes for robotic soccer competitions using Dynamixel motors. Although the prototypes are not aimed at world-class competitions, they represent a significant step in the development of sports robots. Model XL430-W250 Dynamixel motors were chosen and electronic circuits were implemented using control boards such as OpenCR and Raspberry Pi 3. A crucial component was introduced: a step-up board that charges a capacitor to create a powerful kick to the ball via anelectromagnet controlled by Arduino Nano. The programming and coordination of the prototypes was carried out using the ROS environment (Robot Operating System), which allows effective integration of movements and communication. Although the prototypes were not optimized for global competition, they underwent extensive testing, evaluating their speed and maneuverability, as well as soccer tactics in the GRSim simulator. These prototypes contribute to the further development of sports robotics and illustrate the research potential in this exciting area.