Marine debris originating from human activity has been accumulating in underwater environments such as oceans, lakes, and rivers for decades. The extent, type, and amount of waste is hard to assess as the exact mechanisms for spread are not understood, yielding unknown consequences for the marine environment and human health. Methods for detecting and mapping marine debris is therefore vital in order to gain insight into pollution dynamics, which in turn can be used to effectively plan and execute physical removal. Using an autonomous underwater vehicle (AUV), equipped with an underwater hyperspectral imager (UHI) and stereo-camera, marine debris was autonomously detected, mapped and quantified in the sheltered bay Store Lungegaardsvann in Bergen, Norway.
翻译:数十年来,人类活动产生的海洋废弃物一直在海洋、湖泊和河流等水下环境中积累,废物的程度、类型和数量难以评估,因为人们不理解确切的传播机制,对海洋环境和人类健康产生未知的后果。因此,探测和测绘海洋废弃物的方法至关重要,以便了解污染动态,而污染动态又可用来有效地规划和实际清除。利用装有水下高光谱成像仪(UHI)和立体照相机的自主水下潜水器(AUV),在挪威卑尔根避难的海湾Storre Lungegaardsvann自动探测、测绘和量化海洋废弃物。