Most of today's online services (e.g., social networks, search engines, market places) are centralized, which is recognized as unsatisfactory by a majority of users for various reasons (e.g., centralized governance, censorship, loss of control over personal data). Blockchain technologies promise a new Web revolution (Web 3.0) through the decentralization of online services. However, one of the key limitations for this revolution to happen at a planetary scale is the poor performance of today's blockchains. We propose in this paper ALDER, a solution for unlocking the performance of off-the-shelf leader-based blockchains by multiplexing their consensus protocol. Our solution leverages the existence of multiple potential leaders to alleviate the bottleneck that exists at different levels of consensus protocols. To illustrate the benefits it brings to Blockchain performance, we apply ALDER to three representative blockchains, namely Algorand (Proof-of-Stake), RapidChain (Sharding-based) and Bitcoin (Proof-of-Work). Our evaluation, involving up to 10,000 nodes deployed on 100 physical machines, shows that using ALDER can provide up to a 300% improvement in both throughput and latency reduction.
翻译:当今大多数在线服务(如社交网络、搜索引擎、市场场所)都是集中式的,大多数用户都认为由于各种原因(如中央管理、审查、个人数据失控等)不能令人满意。 链链技术通过将在线服务下放,有望带来新的网络革命(Web 3.0)。然而,这场革命在行星规模上发生的一个关键限制是今天的链条表现不佳。我们在本文ALDER中提出一个解决方案,通过多重的协商一致协议解开以现成领导人为基础的块链的功能。我们的解决方案利用多种潜在领导人的存在来缓解存在于不同级别共识协议中的瓶颈问题。为了说明它给链条业绩带来的好处,我们将ALDER应用到三个具有代表性的链条,即Algorand(领先者)、Rappid Chain(以软化为主)和Bitcoin(支持工作 ) 。我们的评估涉及在100台物理机器上部署的多达10,000个节线,显示使用ALDERS到300的递减率。