项目名称: 以低碳为目标的接送机场服务的优化方法
项目编号: No.61203182
项目类型: 青年科学基金项目
立项/批准年度: 2013
项目学科: 自动化学科
项目作者: 于洋
作者单位: 东北大学
项目金额: 23万元
中文摘要: 本项目旨在以接送机场服务中的低碳型车次分配与调度为研究对象,以降低其运营过程中的车辆碳排放总量为研究目标,重点研究多行程、多车型和集中式等模式下的低碳型车次分配与调度的优化方法。主要包括:1、利用数理统计与相关分析及跟车实测等方法,分析行驶距离、行驶速度、载客量等影响车辆碳排放量的因素对车辆碳排放量的影响,以构建低碳型车辆优化调度的数学模型;2、利用数学规划与优化算法,研究多行程、多车型等模式下接送机场服务中车辆优化调度的最优解,以最大限度的降低其车辆碳排放总量;3、利用非合作博弈论、POA等方法分析集中式对降低碳排放量的程度,并求解集中式下的全局最优解,利用合作博弈论设计合理的企业利益分配机制,以保证全局最优解的实现。在理论上,探索了低碳型和集中式物流配送的理论方法,拓展了车辆优化调度的应用领域;同时,最大限度的降低接送机场服务的碳排放总量,保护了城市生态环境,具有重要的社会意义。
中文关键词: 接送机场服务;低碳;优化算法;多行程;集中式调度
英文摘要: The propose takes the vehicle routing and scheduling of pickup customer and delivery to airport service as the study object, and takes reducing carbon emissions of its operation process as the objective. We focus on the optimization method on vehicle routing and scheduling towards low-carbon under the models of multi-routing, multi-vehicle and centralization. Firstly, we analyze the influence factors of vehicle carbon emissions using mathematical statistics, correlation analysis, and actual measurement, and build the vehicle routing and scheduling model towards to low-carbon. Secondly, using mathematical programming and exact algorithm, we seek the optimal solution of vehicle routing and scheduling under the models of multi-routing and multi-vehicle, for maximizing the reduction of vehicle carbon emissions. Thirdly, using non-cooperation game and POA, we analyze the influence of centralization model for the reduction of vehicle carbon emissions. Using cooperation game, we design rational profits allocation mechanism to ensure the realization of the global optimal solution of centralization model. The project doesn't not only expand the theory and application range of vehicle routing and scheduling, low-carbon economy and centralized logistics, but also provides the method and technology support for reducing vehi
英文关键词: picking up and delivering customers to airport;low-carbon;optimization algorithm;multi-trip mode;integrated scheduling