In secure machine learning inference, most of the schemes assume that the server is semi-honest (honestly following the protocol but attempting to infer additional information). However, the server may be malicious (e.g., using a low-quality model or deviating from the protocol) in the real world. Although a few studies have considered a malicious server that deviates from the protocol, they ignore the verification of model accuracy (where the malicious server uses a low-quality model) meanwhile preserving the privacy of both the server's model and the client's inputs. To address these issues, we propose \textit{Fusion}, where the client mixes the public samples (which have known query results) with their own samples to be queried as the inputs of multi-party computation to jointly perform the secure inference. Since a server that uses a low-quality model or deviates from the protocol can only produce results that can be easily identified by the client, \textit{Fusion} forces the server to behave honestly, thereby addressing all those aforementioned issues without leveraging expensive cryptographic techniques. Our evaluation indicates that \textit{Fusion} is 48.06$\times$ faster and uses 30.90$\times$ less communication than the existing maliciously secure inference protocol (which currently does not support the verification of the model accuracy). In addition, to show the scalability, we conduct ImageNet-scale inference on the practical ResNet50 model and it costs 8.678 minutes and 10.117 GiB of communication in a WAN setting, which is 1.18$\times$ faster and has 2.64$\times$ less communication than those of the semi-honest protocol.
翻译:在安全的机器学习推断中,大多数计划都假定服务器是半诚实的(诚实地遵循协议,但试图推断额外信息 ) 。 然而, 服务器在现实世界中可能是恶意的( 比如使用低质量模型或偏离协议 ) 。 尽管有几项研究认为恶意服务器偏离协议, 它们忽略了模型准确性的验证( 恶意服务器使用低质量模型 ), 同时保护服务器模型和客户投入的隐私。 为了解决这些问题, 我们提议\ textit{Fusion}, 客户将公共样本( 已知查询结果)混在一起, 并用自己的样本作为多方计算的投入, 以联合进行安全推断 。 由于使用低质量模型或偏离协议的服务器只能产生客户很容易识别的结果, 模型 textitilititit{Fus} 迫使服务器诚实地添加, 从而解决所有上述问题, 而无需使用昂贵的加密技术。 78美元 和 美元 。 我们的评估显示, 正在48. 0 时间里的时间里, 正在降低协议成本 。