项目名称: 基于移动终端应用程序的缺血性脑卒中二级预防管理效果研究
项目编号: No.81471184
项目类型: 面上项目
立项/批准年度: 2015
项目学科: 医药、卫生
项目作者: 樊东升
作者单位: 北京大学
项目金额: 70万元
中文摘要: 本研究拟开发一款基于移动终端的缺血性脑卒中二级预防管理应用程序健康卫士,发挥手机等移动终端普及率高、便携性好、可实时数据传输的优势,实现个体化用药提醒及服药次数记录,血压、血糖检测提醒、数据记录及达标评定,卒中健康宣教和卒中发病预警系统等功能。完成健康卫士APP开发后,本研究将开展一项前瞻性缺血性脑卒中二级预防随机对照试验,根据指南对300例缺血性脑卒中二级预防的患者制定个体化医疗方案和治疗目标后随机分组,分别以基于医院/社区的传统管理方式、基于网络的开放式卒中防治管理平台和订制开发的移动终端APP进行为期2年的二级预防随访管理,从卒中复发率、用药依从性、危险因素达标率和卒中死亡率等方面进行管理效果比较,寻找提高我国卒中二级预防水平的新方法。
中文关键词: 缺血性脑卒中;二级预防;移动终端;应用程序
英文摘要: This study intends to develop an application based on the mobile phone platform used in the management of the secondary prevention of ischemic stroke, especially for Chinese patients.Based on the advantage of high penetration, good portability and real-time transmission of mobile phones, functions include individual medication reminder and times record of medication, blood pressure and glucose data record, stroke knowledge education and stroke warning system. In order to test the effectiveness of the application, we are planning to enroll 300 patients with ischemic stroke. They are randomly divided into 3 groups, followed up with the mobile terminal application, open network management platform and the traditional outpatient/ community management for 2 years respectively. The difference of recurrent rate, medication compliance, control rate of risk factors and mortality rate in 3 groups will be evaluated, which will be a powerful evidence for the effective management of secondary prevention of ischemic stroke. The application is a potential approach to improve the management of secondary prevention of ischemic stroke.
英文关键词: Ischemic stroke;Secondary prevention;Mobile terminals;Applications