Computerised clinical coding approaches aim to automate the process of assigning a set of codes to medical records. While there is active research pushing the state of the art on clinical coding for hospitalized patients, the outpatient setting -- where doctors tend to non-hospitalised patients -- is overlooked. Although both settings can be formalised as a multi-label classification task, they present unique and distinct challenges, which raises the question of whether the success of inpatient clinical coding approaches translates to the outpatient setting. This paper is the first to investigate how well state-of-the-art deep learning-based clinical coding approaches work in the outpatient setting at hospital scale. To this end, we collect a large outpatient dataset comprising over 7 million notes documenting over half a million patients. We adapt four state-of-the-art clinical coding approaches to this setting and evaluate their potential to assist coders. We find evidence that clinical coding in outpatient settings can benefit from more innovations in popular inpatient coding benchmarks. A deeper analysis of the factors contributing to the success -- amount and form of data and choice of document representation -- reveals the presence of easy-to-solve examples, the coding of which can be completely automated with a low error rate.