Hand, the bearer of human productivity and intelligence, is receiving much attention due to the recent fever of digital twins. Among different hand morphable models, MANO has been widely used in vision and graphics community. However, MANO disregards textures and accessories, which largely limits its power to synthesize photorealistic hand data. In this paper, we extend MANO with Diverse Accessories and Rich Textures, namely DART. DART is composed of 50 daily 3D accessories which varies in appearance and shape, and 325 hand-crafted 2D texture maps covers different kinds of blemishes or make-ups. Unity GUI is also provided to generate synthetic hand data with user-defined settings, e.g., pose, camera, background, lighting, textures, and accessories. Finally, we release DARTset, which contains large-scale (800K), high-fidelity synthetic hand images, paired with perfect-aligned 3D labels. Experiments demonstrate its superiority in diversity. As a complement to existing hand datasets, DARTset boosts the generalization in both hand pose estimation and mesh recovery tasks. Raw ingredients (textures, accessories), Unity GUI, source code and DARTset are publicly available at dart2022.github.io
翻译:由于数字双胞胎最近发烧,人类生产力和智能的携带者 -- -- 人手 -- -- 正在受到关注,因为数字双胞胎最近发烧。在不同的手型变形模型中,MANO被广泛用于视觉和图形界。然而,MANO忽略了纹理和配件,这在很大程度上限制了它合成光现实手数据的能力。在本文中,我们扩展了具有多种可接触性和丰富质素的MANO,即DART。DART由50个每日3D附件组成,在外观和形状上各异,325个手工制作的2D纹理地图覆盖了不同种类的腐烂或化妆品。UnityGuideal GUI也提供了以用户定义的设置生成合成手动数据,例如姿势、相机、背景、照明、纹理和配件。最后,我们发布了DARTSet,其中包括大型的(800K),高纤维合成合成手图象,配有完美的3D标签。实验显示其多样性的优越性。作为现有手动数据集的补充,DARTet提升了手面图组的概貌估计和可公开检索。DIART22的版本。