Constructing a Pseudo Random Function (PRF) is a fundamental problem in cryptology. Such a construction, implemented by truncating the last $m$ bits of permutations of $\{0, 1\}^{n}$ was suggested by Hall et al. (1998). They conjectured that the distinguishing advantage of an adversary with $q$ queries, ${\bf Adv}_{n, m} (q)$, is small if $q = o (2^{(n+m)/2})$, established an upper bound on ${\bf Adv}_{n, m} (q)$ that confirms the conjecture for $m < n/7$, and also declared a general lower bound ${\bf Adv}_{n,m}(q)=\Omega(q^2/2^{n+m})$. The conjecture was essentially confirmed by Bellare and Impagliazzo (1999). Nevertheless, the problem of {\em estimating} ${\bf Adv}_{n, m} (q)$ remained open. Combining the trivial bound $1$, the birthday bound, and a result by Stam (1978) leads to the upper bound $${\bf Adv}_{n,m}(q) = O\left(\min\left\{\frac{q^2}{2^n},\,\frac{q}{2^{\frac{n+m}{2}}},\,1\right\}\right).$$ In this paper we show that this upper bound is tight for every $m<n$ and $q>1$. This, in turn, verifies that the converse to the conjecture of Hall et al. is also correct, i.e., that ${\bf Adv}_{n, m} (q)$ is negligible only for $q = o (2^{(n+m)/2})$.
翻译:构建一个 meudo Rands 函数 (PRF) 是加密方面的一个基本问题 。 此构造由 Hall 等人 (1998 ) 和 Hall 和 Al. (1998 ) 提出, 由 $q( qf Adv ⁇ n, m) (q) 构成。 如果 $ = o (2 ⁇ (n+m) = = 美元), 在 $ (bf Adv ⁇ n, m} (q) 上设定了一个上限。 (q), 以 $ < n/7$ > 执行最后的美元位数 。 同时宣布 $\ b= 0, 1 美元 =qqn, (q) 和 $ q) 。 comega (q_ 2q) 和 Impliazzo (1999 ) 基本上证实了对方的优势 。 然而, $ = = = = = = = = = = = = = = rx rx y y 。 ( =) i) = = rxxxxxxx 美元 美元 美元, = = = = = = = = = = =xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx