Adversarially robust classification seeks a classifier that is insensitive to adversarial perturbations of test patterns. This problem is often formulated via a minimax objective, where the target loss is the worst-case value of the 0-1 loss subject to a bound on the size of perturbation. Recent work has proposed convex surrogates for the adversarial 0-1 loss, in an effort to make optimization more tractable. A primary question is that of consistency, that is, whether minimization of the surrogate risk implies minimization of the adversarial 0-1 risk. In this work, we analyze this question through the lens of calibration, which is a pointwise notion of consistency. We show that no convex surrogate loss is calibrated with respect to the adversarial 0-1 loss when restricted to the class of linear models. We further introduce a class of nonconvex losses and offer necessary and sufficient conditions for losses in this class to be calibrated. We also show that if the underlying distribution satisfies Massart's noise condition, convex losses can also be calibrated in the adversarial setting.
翻译:自动稳健的分类要求的分类方法对测试模式的对抗性扰动不敏感。 这个问题往往通过迷你目标来拟订, 目标损失是受扰动大小约束的0-1损失的最坏情况值。 最近的工作提议对对抗性0-1损失采用共振代谢方法, 以使优化更便于推移。 一个主要问题是一致性问题, 即代理人风险的最小化是否意味着对对抗性干扰0-1风险最小化。 在这项工作中, 我们通过校准透镜来分析这一问题, 这是一种划一的一致性概念。 我们显示,在限制线性模型的对抗性0-1损失方面,没有对正反向代谢损失进行校准。 我们还引入了非电流损失类别, 并为该类损失提供了必要的充分条件来校准。 我们还表明, 如果基本分布满足了Massart的噪声条件, 共振损失也可以在对抗性环境下加以校准。