The position of a device or agent is an important security credential in today's society, both online and in the real world. Unless in direct proximity, however, the secure verification of a position is impossible without further assumptions. This is true classically, but also in any future quantum-equipped communications infrastructure. We show in this work that minimal quantum resources, in the form of a single qubit, combined with classical communication are sufficient to thwart quantum adversaries that pretend to be at a specific position and have the ability to coordinate their action with entanglement. More precisely, we show that the adversaries using an increasing amount of entanglement can be combatted solely by increasing the number of classical bits used in the protocol. The presented protocols are noise-robust and within reach of current quantum technology.
翻译:设备或代理器的位置是当今社会,在线和现实世界中的一个重要安全标志。 但是,除非直接相近,否则,如果没有进一步的假设,无法对位置进行安全核查。 这在古典上是真实的,但在未来的任何量子设备通信基础设施中也是如此。 我们在这个工作中显示,以单一方位的形式,与古典通信相结合的最小量资源足以挫败那些假装处于特定位置并有能力协调其行动与纠缠的量子对手。 更确切地说,我们表明,使用越来越多的纠缠器的对手只能通过增加协议中使用的经典点数来对抗。 所提出的协议是噪音- 勃勃的, 并且接近于当前量子技术的范围。