We prove a general structural theorem for a wide family of local algorithms, which includes property testers, local decoders, and PCPs of proximity. Namely, we show that the structure of every algorithm that makes $q$ adaptive queries and satisfies a natural robustness condition admits a sample-based algorithm with $n^{1- 1/O(q^2 \log^2 q)}$ sample complexity, following the definition of Goldreich and Ron (TOCT 2016). We prove that this transformation is nearly optimal. Our theorem also admits a scheme for constructing privacy-preserving local algorithms. Using the unified view that our structural theorem provides, we obtain results regarding various types of local algorithms, including the following. - We strengthen the state-of-the-art lower bound for relaxed locally decodable codes, obtaining an exponential improvement on the dependency in query complexity; this resolves an open problem raised by Gur and Lachish (SODA 2020). - We show that any (constant-query) testable property admits a sample-based tester with sublinear sample complexity; this resolves a problem left open in a work of Fischer, Lachish, and Vasudev (FOCS 2015) by extending their main result to adaptive testers. - We prove that the known separation between proofs of proximity and testers is essentially maximal; this resolves a problem left open by Gur and Rothblum (ECCC 2013, Computational Complexity 2018) regarding sublinear-time delegation of computation. Our techniques strongly rely on relaxed sunflower lemmas and the Hajnal-Szemer\'edi theorem.
翻译:我们证明,对于一个广泛的本地算法大家庭来说,我们是一个普遍的结构性理论,它包括财产测试器、本地解码器和近距离五氯苯酚。也就是说,我们证明,每个得出美元适应性查询并满足自然稳健性条件的算法的结构都承认了一个基于样本的算法,根据Goldreich和Ron的定义(TOCT 2016),它是一个基本最佳的转变。我们的算法还承认了一个建立隐私保存本地算法的计划。我们的结构理论提供了统一的观点,我们获得了各种类型的本地算法的结果,包括以下内容。 - 我们强化了本地可变异代码的低限状态算法,从而极大地改善了查询复杂性的依赖性;这解决了Gur和Lachish(SODS 2020) 提出的一个公开问题。我们发现,任何(正轨)可以测试的财产都承认一个基于样本的保存本地算法测试器,其次直线样本样本的计算方法基本上包括了以下的。