We report a tight Hubble constant constraint $67.78^{+1.21}_{-1.86}$ km s$^{-1}$ Mpc$^{-1}$ (2.26\% precision) derived from galaxy redshift surveys. We combine the BAO measurements from 6dFGS, the SDSS DR7 main galaxies, the BOSS DR12 galaxies, and eBOSS DR14 quasars, and also apply the tomographic Alcock-Paczynski (AP) method to the BOSS DR12 galaxies, to place constraints on $H_0$ in the spatially flat $\Lambda$CDM framework. Our result is fully consistent with the CMB constraints from Planck, but in $2.58\sigma$ tension with local measurements of Riess et al. 2016. Compared with the BAO alone constraint, the BAO+AP combined result reduces the error bar by 32%. This shows the strong power of the tomographic AP method in extracting cosmological information from galaxy redshift surveys.
翻译:我们将来自6dFGS、SDSS DR7主要星系、BOSS DR12星系和eBOSS DR14类星体的BAO测量数据结合起来,并将X光光光学高孔径-Paczynski(AP)方法应用于BOS DR12星系,以便在空间平坦的$\Lambda$CDM框架内对0.0美元设置限制。我们的结果与Planck的CMB限制完全一致,但在2.58\sigma$的紧张与Riess等人的当地测量数据完全一致。与BAO单独的限制相比,BAO+AP的合并结果将误差区减少32%。这显示了X光学AP方法在从星系红色测量中提取宇宙信息方面的强大力量。