Research-paper blog posts help scientists to disseminate their work to a larger audience, but translating scientific long documents into long-form summaries like blog posts raises unique challenges: 1) planning what paper content to include in the blog post, 2) drafting the selected content in sections amenable to a paper blog post, and 3) revising the blog post to be scientifically accurate but also concise, easy to understand, and engaging. Can we harness the power of large language models (LLMs) to assist researchers with these challenges? To investigate this question, we developed Papers-to-Posts, an LLM-powered tool that implements a new Plan-Draft-Revise workflow for mixed-initiative long-form paper summarization. An LLM-generated paper outline with pre-selected yet adjustable bullet points helps users to plan what information to include. Meanwhile, customizable LLM instructions support drafting the text with a suitable structure and revising the text to have an appropriate tone. Through two studies, we compared Papers-to-Posts to a strong baseline tool that provides an LLM-generated draft and access to free-form LLM prompting, and we found that Papers-to-Posts improved researchers' editing power. In a within-subjects lab study (N=20 participants), Papers-to-Posts led participants to make significantly more change to initial LLM drafts within a fixed amount of time and to be significantly more satisfied with their final blog post, without increasing cognitive load. Furthermore, in a between-subjects deployment study (N=37 blog posts, 26 participants), Papers-to-Posts led participants to make more change to initial LLM drafts within a given amount of time as well as writing actions, without decreasing satisfaction with the final blog posts or increasing cognitive load.