High-density electromyography (HDEMG) can detect myoelectric activity as control inputs to a variety of electronically-controlled devices. Furthermore, HDEMG sensors may be built into a variety of clothing, allowing for a non-intrusive myoelectric interface that is integrated into a user's routine. In our work, we introduce an easily-producible HDEMG device that interfaces with the control of a mobile manipulator to perform a range of household and physically assistive tasks. Mobile manipulators can operate throughout the home and are applicable for a spectrum of assistive and daily tasks in the home. We evaluate the use of real-time myoelectric gesture recognition using our device to enable precise control over the intricate mobility and manipulation functionalities of an 8 degree-of-freedom mobile manipulator. Our evaluation, involving 13 participants engaging in challenging self-care and household activities, demonstrates the potential of our wearable HDEMG system to control a mobile manipulator in the home.