Recent years have seen a dramatic increase in the microarchitectural complexity of processors. This increase in complexity presents a twofold challenge for the field of computer architecture. First, no individual architect can fully comprehend the complexity of the entire microarchitecture of the core. This leads to increasingly specialized architects, who treat parts of the core outside their particular expertise as black boxes. Second, with increasing complexity, the field becomes decreasingly accessible to new students of the field. When learning core microarchitecture, new students must first learn the big picture of how the system works in order to understand how the pieces all fit together. The tools used to study microarchitecture experience a similar struggle. As with the microarchitectures they simulate, an increase in complexity reduces accessibility to new users. In this work, we present ChampSim. ChampSim uses a modular design and configurable structure to achieve a low barrier to entry into the field of microarchitecural simulation. ChampSim has shown itself to be useful in multiple areas of research, competition, and education. In this way, we seek to promote access and inclusion despite the increasing complexity of the field of computer architecture.
翻译:近些年来,处理器的微成像复杂性急剧增加。 复杂程度的增加对计算机建筑领域提出了双重挑战。 首先, 个人建筑师无法完全理解整个核心微成像的复杂性。 这导致专业建筑师日益专业化, 他们把其特殊专长以外的部分核心作为黑盒处理。 第二, 随着复杂性的不断增长, 实地的新生越来越容易进入。 当学习核心微成像学时, 新学生必须首先了解系统如何运作的大图景, 以便了解这些碎片是如何融合在一起的。 用于研究微成像的工具也经历了类似的斗争。 正如他们模拟的微成像学一样, 复杂性的增加减少了新用户的无障碍性。 在此工作中, 我们介绍CampSim。 CampSim 使用模块设计和可配置的结构, 以达到进入微成像学模拟领域的低屏障。 ChampSim 显示自己在多个研究、竞争和教育领域都非常有用。 这样, 尽管计算机结构领域日益复杂,我们寻求促进进入和融入。