Interactive graph search leverages human intelligence to categorize target labels in a hierarchy, which are useful for image classification, product categorization, and database search. However, many existing studies of interactive graph search aim at identifying a single target optimally, and suffer from the limitations of asking too many questions and not being able to handle multiple targets. To address these two limitations, in this paper, we study a new problem of budget constrained interactive graph search for multiple targets called kBM-IGS-problem. Specifically, given a set of multiple targets T in a hierarchy, and two parameters k and b, the goal is to identify a k-sized set of selections S such that the closeness between selections S and targets T is as small as possible, by asking at most a budget of b questions. We theoretically analyze the updating rules and design a penalty function to capture the closeness between selections and targets. To tackle the kBM-IGS-problem, we develop a novel framework to ask questions using the best vertex with the largest expected gain, which makes a balanced trade-off between target probability and benefit gain. Based on the kBM-IGS framework, we first propose an efficient algorithm STBIS to handle the SingleTarget problem, which is a special case of kBM-IGS. Then, we propose a dynamic programming based method kBM-DP to tackle the MultipleTargets problem. To further improve efficiency, we propose two heuristic but efficient algorithms kBM-Topk and kBM-DP+. kBM-Topk develops a variant gain function and selects the top-k vertices independently. kBM-DP+ uses an upper bound of gains and prunes disqualified vertices to save computations. Experiments on large real-world datasets with ground-truth targets verify both the effectiveness and efficiency of our proposed algorithms.
翻译:互动图形搜索利用人类智能将目标标签分为等级,这有利于图像分类、产品分类和数据库搜索。然而,许多互动图形搜索的现有研究都旨在以最佳的方式确定单一目标,并受到询问过多问题和无法处理多个目标的限制。为了解决这两个局限性,我们在本文件中研究预算限制互动图形搜索的一个新问题,以寻找称为 kBM- GIS- 问题的多个目标。具体地说,考虑到一组多目标T,以及两个参数K和b,目标是确定一组K尺寸的选择 S,使选择S和目标T之间的接近性尽可能小,通过询问大多数b问题的预算。我们从理论上分析规则的更新和设计惩罚功能,以捕捉选择目标与目标之间的近距离。为了解决 kBM- GIS- 问题,我们开发了一个新的框架,使用最佳的顶级目标TBIST,在目标概率和收益之间形成平衡的贸易。基于 kBBIS- IGS 的S- developalal- messal-reck the groupal subal-stal-reck the kBIS- dival listressal listrational listal listressal listral mas supal sal subal subal subal subal sal subal subal subals subal list mas to subaldal subal lats,我们提出一个特别提议一个我们提议一个高的KBIS- 和KBIS 和KBIS 和KBSild-rmald-rmald-rvald-mad-d-mad-mad-d-madald-madald-madaldald-mad-mad-masaldald-madaldaldaldaldaldaldaldaldaldaldaldaldaldaldaldaldald-mod-mod-modald-mod-mod-mod-modaldaldaldaldaldaldaldaldaldaldaldaldalds 问题,我们 和KBs