In this paper, a comprehensive performance analysis of a distributed intelligent reflective surfaces (IRSs)-aided communication system is presented. First, the optimal signal-to-noise ratio (SNR), which is attainable through the direct and reflected channels, is quantified by controlling the phase shifts of the distributed IRS. Next, this optimal SNR is statistically characterized by deriving tight approximations to the exact probability density function (PDF) and cumulative distribution function (CDF) for Nakagami-$m$ fading. The accuracy/tightness of this statistical characterization is investigated by deriving the Kullback-Leibler divergence. Our PDF/CDF analysis is used to derive tight approximations/bounds for the outage probability, achievable rate, and average symbol error rate (SER) in closed-form. To obtain useful insights, the asymptotic outage probability and average SER are derived for the high SNR regime. Thereby, the achievable diversity order and array gains are quantified. Our asymptotic performance analysis reveals that the diversity order can be boosted by using distributed passive IRSs without generating additional electromagnetic (EM) waves via active radio frequency chains. Our asymptotic rate analysis shows that the lower and upper rate bounds converge to an asymptotic limit in large reflective element regime. Our analysis is validated via Monte-Carlo simulations. We present a rigorous set of numerical results to investigate the performance gains of the proposed system model. Our analytical and numerical results reveal that the performance of single-input single-output wireless systems can be boosted by recycling the EM waves generated by a transmitter through distributed passive IRS reflections to enable constructive signal combining at a receiver.
翻译:本文介绍了对分布式智能反射表面(IRS)辅助通信系统进行的全面绩效分析。首先,通过直接和反射渠道可以实现的最佳信号对噪音比率(SNR)通过控制分布式IRS的相位转移量化。接下来,这一最佳SNR在统计上的特点是,从精确概率密度函数(PDF)和累积分布函数(CDF)产生紧密近似值(CDF),用于Nakagami-$$的下降。这一统计特征的准确性/紧张性通过得出 Kullback-Leeper 的偏差来调查。我们的PDF/CDF分析用于通过直接和反射渠道获得最接近的信号对信号对音率(SER)的量化。为了获得有用的洞察,SNR制度可以得出无症状的偏差性差概率和平均SER值。因此,通过我们的单度业绩分析可以显示,通过分布式IMSUDS-递增的信号分析结果,通过我们的磁率分析,通过高射频率进行。