The string indexing problem is a fundamental computational problem with numerous applications, including information retrieval and bioinformatics. It aims to efficiently solve the pattern matching problem: given a text $T$ of length $n$ for preprocessing and a pattern $P$ of length $m$ as a query, the goal is to report all occurrences of $P$ as substrings of $T$. Navarro and Thankachan [CPM 2015, Theor. Comput. Sci. 2016] introduced a variant of this problem called the gap-bounded consecutive occurrence query, which reports pairs of consecutive occurrences of $P$ in $T$ such that their gaps (i.e., the distances between them) lie within a query-specified range $[g_1, g_2]$. Recently, Bille et al. [FSTTCS 2020, Theor. Comput. Sci. 2022] proposed the top-$k$ close consecutive occurrence query, which reports the $k$ closest consecutive occurrences of $P$ in $T$, sorted in non-descending order of distance. Both problems are optimally solved in query time with $O(n \log n)$-space data structures. In this paper, we generalize these problems to the range query model, which focuses only on occurrences of $P$ in a specified substring $T[a.. b]$ of $T$. Our contributions are as follows: (1) We propose an $O(n \log^2 n)$-space data structure that answers the range top-$k$ consecutive occurrence query in $O(|P| + \log\log n + k)$ time. (2) We propose an $O(n \log^{2+\epsilon} n)$-space data structure that answers the range gap-bounded consecutive occurrence query in $O(|P| + \log\log n + \mathit{output})$ time, where $\epsilon$ is a positive constant and $\mathit{output}$ denotes the number of outputs. Additionally, as by-products, we present algorithms for geometric problems involving weighted horizontal segments in a 2D plane, which are of independent interest.