This paper investigates the problem of sampling and reconstructing bandpass signals using time encoding machine(TEM). It is shown that the sampling in principle is equivalent to periodic non-uniform sampling (PNS). Then the TEM parameters can be set according to the signal bandwidth and amplitude instead of upper-edge frequency and amplitude as in the case of bandlimited/lowpass signals. For a bandpass signal of a single information band, it can be perfectly reconstructed if the TEM parameters are such that the difference between any consecutive values of the time sequence in each channel is bounded by the inverse of the signal bandwidth. A reconstruction method incorporating the interpolation functions of PNS is proposed. Numerical experiments validate the feasibility and effectiveness of the proposed TEM scheme.
翻译:本文调查使用时间编码机(TEM)取样和重建带宽信号的问题。 事实表明,在原则上,抽样相当于定期的非统一取样(PNS)。 然后,TEM参数可以按照信号带宽和振幅设定,而不是像带宽/低频信号那样的上方频率和振幅设定。 对于单一信息带带带的带宽信号,如果TEM参数使每个频道时间序列的任何连续值之间的差别都受到信号带宽的反面的约束,那么它就可以完全重建。 提议了一种包含PNS内插功能的重建方法。 数字实验验证了拟议的TEM计划的可行性和有效性。