项目名称: 磁悬浮飞轮储能系统中陀螺效应的利用及运行控制研究
项目编号: No.51277092
项目类型: 面上项目
立项/批准年度: 2013
项目学科: 电工技术
项目作者: 王德明
作者单位: 南京工业大学
项目金额: 80万元
中文摘要: 将陀螺效应和磁悬浮轴承技术有机结合起来,提出一种结构简单、储能密度高、成本低的飞轮储能系统。针对这种新型系统中的科学问题,重点研究与之相关的基础理论和关键技术,主要包括:(1)建立磁悬浮系统中各物理量运动特性的动态分析模型以及转子运行时进动和章动的运动方程,给出影响飞轮转子三自由度磁悬浮系统运行的总体数学模型。(2)研究飞轮转子陀螺特性,揭示进动、章动特性和电机磁偏拉力等对飞轮运动特性、电机起动/发电特性的影响规律。研究飞轮转子系统稳定工作条件和启停过渡特性及其新的控制方法,给出相应的控制算法。(3)研究系统中各物理量内在联系规律,揭示飞轮转子参数、电机起动/发电特性对磁悬浮轴承悬浮特性的影响,给出失稳的临界转速数学表达式。(4)研究了磁悬浮轴承电流最小化控制策略,以及该控制策略对转子运动状态的影响。研究成果为新型系统的设计和开发奠定理论基础,进一步推动飞轮电池在更多领域的应用。
中文关键词: 双凸极永磁电机;永磁偏置磁悬浮轴承;转子动力学分析;模态解耦交叉反馈控制;
英文摘要: The gyroscopic effect and magneric levitation technology are combined organically, and a flywheel battery research model is proposed,which has simple structure, high energy storage density and low cost. The related basic theory and key technology are studied emphasisly in view of the scientific problems of this new model system. The operating principle, new control method and theory are investigated. The research work mainly include: (1) The whole mathematical model of the system of the 3-dof magnetic levitation flywheel rotor is obtained through building the dynamic analysis model of the physical quantities' motion characteristics in the magnetic levitation system and the motion equations of the rotor's precession and nutation. (2) The influence of the rotor's precession and nutation on the electric machine's start and generation characteristics is explored by the study of the flywheel rotor's gyro- characteristics. Then, the influence of the flywheel is analyzed. The steady operating conditions and the start/stop transient behavior are researched. The new control method and algorithm are also investigated. (3) The influence of the parameters of flywheel rotor, the electric machine's start and generation characteristics on the levitation characteristics of the magnetic bearing are demonstrated through the resea
英文关键词: Doubly salient permanent magnet electric machine;Permanent magnet biased magnetic bearings;Rotor dynamic analysis;Cross-feedback-based modal decoupling control;