项目名称: 求同还是存异?创业合法化行为与机会识别行为对新创企业商业模式设计及绩效的影响研究
项目编号: No.71472185
项目类型: 面上项目
立项/批准年度: 2015
项目学科: 管理科学
项目作者: 郭海
作者单位: 中国人民大学
项目金额: 60万元
中文摘要: 新创企业的生存与成长,既源于对创业机会的追求,又源于对创业合法性的追求。然而,组织、战略及创新等领域的研究都发现,机会追求行为与合法化行为间可能存在一种悖论冲突,该冲突被学者们描述为对企业应该求同还是存异的思考。本项目将立足我国制度转型的背景,以新创企业为研究对象,通过整合制度理论、资源基础理论和组织生态理论等观点,综合运用问卷调查、案例研究和纵向研究方法,尝试从创业的视角破解求同还是存异这一理论难题。研究内容包括:(1)中国制度转型背景下的创业情境特征研究;(2)创业合法化与机会识别行为体系构建及其联动机制研究;(3)基于创业合法化-机会识别行为体系的商业模式选择研究;(4)商业模式变革对新创企业绩效影响的动态研究。本项目能够为制度创业、商业模式创新等领域的研究提供新的见解,对开发体现中国情境特点的创业理论,指导我国创业企业有效形成并提升创业能力也具有实际意义。
中文关键词: 商业模式;合法化;创业机会识别;新创企业绩效;中国情境
英文摘要: Both opportunity-seeking and legitimacy-seeking behaviors are critical for new venture growth. Yet, existing literature in fields of organization, strategy, as well as technology management consistently shows that there seems a paradox between opportunity- and legitimacy-seeking behaviors, which problem is called as to be different, or to be the same. By integrating new institutionalism, resource-based theory, and organizational ecology theory, the present study aims to solve this problem in the context of China's transition economy. This study will answer the following questions: First, what is the contextual nature of China's transitional environment? Second, how opportunity- and legitimacy-seeking behaviors are linked to each other? Third, how both behaviors shape a new venture's business model design? Finally, how a new venture dynamically reinvent its business model in order to achieve better performance? This study will provide new insights to existing literature on institutional entrepreneurship and business model innovation, build new theories that better fit the Chinese context, and guide Chinese new ventures to build competitive advantages.
英文关键词: Business Model;Legitimation;Opportunity Recognition;New Venture Performance;Chinese Context