项目名称: 考虑轨道随机不平顺与随机参数的高速铁路黄土隧道动力特性研究
项目编号: No.51268030
项目类型: 地区科学基金项目
立项/批准年度: 2013
项目学科: 建筑科学
项目作者: 严松宏
作者单位: 兰州交通大学
项目金额: 50万元
中文摘要: 目前我国在建和拟建的高速铁路隧道约700座,总长度超过1000km。高速铁路的兴建把我国铁路隧道建设规模和修建技术推到了新的高度,同时也给铁路隧道修建与运营带来了许多技术难题,其中之一就是高速列车动载作用下隧道结构的动力稳定问题。 本课题拟运用随机振动理论和系统动力学分析原理,分析研究高速铁路隧道在随机列车振动荷载作用下的动力特性及可靠度,主要内容包括:黄土隧道围岩和衬砌材料参数的随机分布特征研究;考虑轨道随机不平顺激励时列车随机振动响应的频域分析方法及列车随机振动响应规律研究;考虑隧道围岩及结构参数随机性的黄土隧道动力响应频域分析方法及响应统计特征研究;隧道结构的动力可靠度研究。 本项研究成果可为高速铁路黄土隧道设计提供理论支撑,为极限状态法在隧道工程中的应用、完善隧道随机振动分析理论和设计方法、推动基于极限状态设计规范的形成奠定基础。
中文关键词: 高速铁路;黄土隧道;列车振动;动力响应;可靠度
英文摘要: At present,there are about 700 high-speed railway tunnels constructing and planning,with total length more than 1000 km. The scale and technolgies of railway tunnels are pushed to new heights in our Country,and a lot of technical problems are coming out.One of these problems is the dynamic stability of tunnel structures under high-speed train induced load. This reseach is to study the dynamic characteristics and reliabilities of high speed railway tunnel under train induced random vibration load by using the principles of random vibration theory and system dynamic analysis.The reseach focuses on following problems:①to analyse and determine random distribution of material parameters of surrounding rock and lining of loess tunnel .②to study the method for train random vibration response analysis in frequency domain and rules of random vibration response of train considering the train induced random vibration loadt.③to investigate the dynamic response analysis of loess tunnel in frequency domain and the statistical characteristics of response with the randomness of surrounding rock and structure parameters of tunnel in the frequency domain method .④ to probe into the dynamic reliability of structures based on the extreme value distributions of tunnel structure response. The research results will provide theoret
英文关键词: high-speed railway;loess tunnel;train vibration;dynamic characteristic;reliability