项目名称: 地方政府债务的理论与实证研究:基于晋升激励、财政分权与预算软约束的视角
项目编号: No.71203035
项目类型: 青年科学基金项目
立项/批准年度: 2013
项目学科: 宏观管理与政策
项目作者: 郭广珍
作者单位: 复旦大学
项目金额: 21万元
中文摘要: 目前,大家都认识到中国地方政府债务的风险越来越严重。中国的地方政府债务问题因与分税制度不完善、地方官员激励扭曲、地方融资平台不规范、宏观调控和财政政策需要等问题联系在一起而更加错综复杂。鉴于中国的现实制度特征,我们认为影响地方债务的主要因素包括政治晋升、财政分权和软预算约束三个主要方面。但是,目前分析地方政府的文献大都将研究的焦点集中在各个因素何对地方债务产生影响上,但是得到的结论并不一致。我们认为这些文献仅仅考虑并分析了其单一的因素可能是导致结论相互矛盾的原因。本课题正是为了弥补这种不足而试图将影响官员行为的多个方面,即财政分权、政治晋升和政府软预算约束,放入一个统一的分析模型,并全面地考察了不同因素对地方债务的影响。在此基础上,我们利用中国数据对影响官员行为的各种因素进行了经验研究。当然,考虑到中国地方债务数据的相对缺乏,我们将在数据的收集和处理上耗费巨大的时间和精力。
中文关键词: 地方政府债务;政府消费性支出;官员激励;财政分权;博弈论
英文摘要: At present, we all recognize that the risk of local government debt in China is more and more serious.. In this study, we come back to the local government debt problems in China,which are more complicated due to other related issues,such as imperfect tax-sharing system,distorted incentives to local government,local financing platform problem,macroeconomic management,and fiscal policy stimulation.Based on the unique Chinese institution and economic background, we think that the contributing factors about the local governmental debt risks through three aspects such as political promotion, fiscal decentralization, and soft budget constrain. Most of the current analysis of the local government debt, but these literatures considered and analyzed only a single factor , and get some contradictory conclusions. This study is precisely to remedy this shortage and trying to comprise many aspects of the officials, namely, fiscal decentralization, political promotion and soft budget constrain, into a unified model, and we comprehensively examined the different factors on local governmental debt. After the theory model, we will make empirical studies using the China's province level data. Of cause, considering serious lack of data of local government debt, We will spend enormous time and effort in data collection and proces
英文关键词: local government debt;government unproductive expenditure;officers promotion;fiscal decentralization;game theory