项目名称: 石墨烯/铝电子封装复合材料界面调控及对热物理性能的作用机理
项目编号: No.51301076
项目类型: 青年科学基金项目
立项/批准年度: 2014
项目学科: 一般工业技术
项目作者: 冷金凤
作者单位: 济南大学
项目金额: 25万元
中文摘要: 颗粒增强铝基复合材料由于具有密度低、高热导率、热膨胀系数可调等优异性能在电子封装领域(功率器件、印刷线路板及微处理器壳体封装等)受到研究者的普遍关注,但高硬度和高体积分数陶瓷颗粒添加导致铝基复合材料加工性能差,且电子器件对其高导热、轻量化提出了越来越高的材料需求。本项目拟以具有二维结构及优异性能的石墨烯为增强相,利用温压成型工艺设计制备石墨烯/铝复合材料,进一步降低颗粒增强铝基电子封装材料的密度,提高其导热性能,并改善其切削加工性能。通过石墨烯颗粒表面改性和温压工艺的设计来控制石墨烯与铝基体的界面状态,明确石墨烯的界面结构特征对热物理性能的影响规律,揭示石墨烯的本征特性及界面特征对热物理性能的影响机制,建立石墨烯对铝基复合材料热物理性能影响的经验准则。本项目的开展,将为轻量化、高导热、易加工的电子封装复合材料的研制提供理论和实验依据,并为新型电子封装材料的发展提供新思路。
中文关键词: 金属基复合材料;石墨烯;粉末冶金;力学性能;热物理性能
英文摘要: For the low density, high thermal conductivity and tailorable thermal expansivity, particle-reinforced aluminum metal-matrix composites (MMC) has received much recognition in electronic packaging, such as power module base plates, printed wiring board cores, microprocessor lids or electronic encloseures. However, it is difficult to form or machine the materials because of the presence of high volume and abrasive ceramic particles. In addition, the requirement for high thermal conductivity and light mass of electronic devices is increasing. Based on the warm compaction processing, the graphene/Al composites will be fabricated by doping the graphene as reinforced particles with two-dimensional lattice and extraordinary properties. The graphene/Al composites is expected to lower density, higher thermal conductivity and good machinability. The graphene-Al interfacical characteristic is manipulated by surface modification and processing technology, and the relationship between interfaces and thermal properties is clarified. As a result, the intrinsic properties of graphene and graphene-Al interfacial characteristics will be revealed and the experiental criteria will be established about the effect of graphene on thermal physical properties. The launching of the project provides a theoretical and experimental basis fo
英文关键词: Metal matrix composites;Graphene;Powder metallurgy technology;Mechanical properties;Thermophysical properties