项目名称: 伺服驱动系统机械谐振抑制技术研究
项目编号: No.61273147
项目类型: 面上项目
立项/批准年度: 2013
项目学科: 自动化技术、计算机技术
项目作者: 杨明
作者单位: 哈尔滨工业大学
项目金额: 79万元
中文摘要: 项目将全面深入地研究伺服驱动系统机械谐振抑制技术。一方面,基于传统的被动方式抑制策略,通过研究自适应零相角滞后陷波滤波器系统,实现在线跟踪谐波、自动滤波器参数整定,保证系统闭环性能同时消除谐振影响。另一方面,提出新颖的主动方式抑制策略,研究结合分数阶扰动观测器技术的模型预测状态反馈控制系统,利用三者相互独立的设计特点以充分发挥各自优势。采用模型预测控制技术消除系统延时不良影响;应用FO-DOB技术降低观测器的设计难度,并提高模型预测控制系统对模型扰动的鲁棒性。所研究的弹性负载模型包括传动间隙以及传动轴矩安全限幅等非线性因素,有效抑制机械谐振的同时兼顾系统的鲁棒性及可靠性。研究均基于仅在电机端安装一个位置传感器的通用伺服驱动结构,不额外增加系统硬件。搭建可准确预置谐振特征以及传动间隙的实物平台,解决传统谐振抑制算法缺乏实物验证手段的问题,并完善平台使其成为评测谐振抑制性能的标准化工具。
中文关键词: 机械谐振;谐振特征;自适应陷波器;轴矩反馈;传动间隙
英文摘要: The project will comprehensively research on the technology of mechanical resonant suppression for servo drive system. On one hand, studying on the traditional passive strategy, by means of the study of adaptive zero-phase-lag notch filter system, realize the online tracking harmonic characters, automatic filter parameters setting, ensure the closed-loop performance meanwhile eliminate the influence of resonance. On the other hand, put forward a new active strategy, the research is combined with the Fractional Order disturbance observer technology(FO-DOB) model predicted state feedback control system, with the three independent design characteristics in order to give full display their respective advantages, using model predictive control(MPC) technology to reduce the influence of system delay; Appling FO-DOB design to reduce the difficulty of the observer design, and also improve the robustness of MPC. Considering transmission backlash and ensuring the safety of shaft torque limit, in the meantime the system mechanical resonant suppressing technology is realized. Based on the traditional servo drive structure - only one position sensor with servo motor, the research strategies do not increase the cost of system hardware. Constructing the physical platform for accurately pre-setting the resonance characteristic
英文关键词: mechanical resonance;characteristics of resonance;adaptive notch filter;shaft torque feedback;transmission backlash