项目名称: 多时相C波段全极化SAR甘蔗空间格局监测研究
项目编号: No.41301503
项目类型: 青年科学基金项目
立项/批准年度: 2014
项目学科: 天文学、地球科学
项目作者: 李洪忠
作者单位: 深圳大学
项目金额: 25万元
中文摘要: 甘蔗具有植期多样化、时间跨度长的种植特点,这使得应用多时相监督分类或专家知识决策树分类难以实现甘蔗的高精度识别。本项目以华南多云多雨地区甘蔗识别为研究重点,选择广东省雷州半岛为实验区,以C波段全极化RADARSAT-2为数据源,在充分理解甘蔗C波段极化散射机理的基础上,研究面向甘蔗的C波段极化特征提取方法;通过一个生长周期的观测确定甘蔗识别的最佳时相(组合)和最佳极化特征(组合),建立所有甘蔗的共性特征---极化特征时序生长曲线;并进一步研究基于多时相离散观测与连续生长曲线的甘蔗识别方法,实现甘蔗的空间格局监测。该方法不仅解决甘蔗种植时间跨度长、植期多样化所带来的分类问题,而且能够适应观测时相的变化,从而提高识别的准确性和鲁棒性。本研究不仅在华南甘蔗空间格局监测上具有现实的实践意义,也对完善极化SAR目标分解理论,促进多时相全极化SAR在农作物监测中的应用,以及进一步估产具有重要科学意义。
中文关键词: 极化合成孔径雷达;极化分解;农业遥感;甘蔗监测;
英文摘要: The diversity and long-time span of sugarcane planting stage make it difficult to identify the sugarcane accurately based on the multi-temporal supervised classification or decision tree classification using expert knowledge. In this study, with a focus on sugarcane identification in rainy and cloudy area of Leizhou Peninsula of Guangdong Province in Southern China, time series of C-band fully polarization RADARSAT-2 data will be collected over the whole sugarcane growth season. On the basis of fully understanding the polarimetric scattering mechanism of sugarcane fields at C-band, the dataset will be used to explore the extraction method of sugarcane polarimetric characters at C-band. Then by the analysis of polarimetric characters time domain variation, the optimum periods and polarimetric characters for sugarcane identification will be induced, and polarimetric characters time series growth curve, which is the generality characteristic of all of sugarcane, will be established. At last, a new sugarcane identification method based on multi-temporal discrete observation and continuous growth curve will be developed to monitoring sugarcane spatial pattern. The method will be robust and accurate as it is immune to diversity of sugarcane planting stage and the observation time. The result will not only be valuable
英文关键词: POLSAR;polarimetric decomposition;agricultural remote sensing;sugarcane monitoring;