项目名称: 大气压沿面放电等离子体中活性物种 OH、NO、N2(A)的激光诱导荧光诊断研究
项目编号: No.11475039
项目类型: 面上项目
立项/批准年度: 2015
项目学科: 数理科学和化学
项目作者: 丁洪斌
作者单位: 大连理工大学
项目金额: 96万元
中文摘要: 大气压沿面放电等离子体在等离子体医学和生物学领域有巨大的应用潜力。等离子体中活性物种浓度的原位测量和调控对改进等离子体医疗及生物处理工艺,探索等离子体医学及生物效应的微观机理具有重要意义。研究表明含空气沿面放电等离子体中的OH,NO等物种在等离子体生物医学过程起重要作用。但因缺少相关诊断研究,其作用机理仍停留在经验猜测水平。由于沿面放电等离子体空间分布的特殊限制,传统的诊断手段很难对处于基态的活性物种实现原位测量。激光诱导荧光(LIF)方法,具有高灵敏度和高时间空间分辨率,近年来已经被成功应用于大气压射流等离子体中活性物种的诊断研究。本项目拟通过LIF手段,直接对这些物种进行高分辨原位测量,建立物种浓度沿放电电极表面的空间及时间分布数据库,探索这些物种引发沿面放电等离子体物理化学及生物学效应的微观机理,为相关的等离子体医学工艺优化提供机理支持。
中文关键词: 沿面放电;活性物种诊断;激光诱导荧光;等离子体医学
英文摘要: Surface discharge plasma at atmospheric pressure has an enormous application potential in plasma medicine and plasma biology.The in-situ density measurements of reactive species is a key issue to increase the efficiency of the plasma medicne processing and unravel the mechanism of the plasma physico-chemical and biological effects.The species of OH, NO in air surface discharge plasma have been proposed to play very important roles in plasma medicine and plasma biologic modification, but the detailed mechanism is unclear due to the shortage of adequate diagnosis data. The measurements of species in ground state are very difficult using traditional diagnostic techniques due to limited accessing space for diagnosis system in the surface micro-discharge configuration. Laser Induced Flourescence (LIF), with very high sensitivity and highly spatial and temporal resolution, has been sucussefully appllied in the diagnosis of reactive species in a jet discharge plasma at atmospheric pressure. In this project, we will carry out direct in-situ measurements of the species density and investigations on the density distribution-functions of OH, NO, N2(A) versus space and time along the surface discharge-zone.The results will improve the understanding of the physico-chemical and biological mechanism and enhance the processing efficiency of plasma medicine and plasma biology in air surface discharge plasma at atmospheric pressure.
英文关键词: surface discharge;reactive species diagnosis;laser induced fluorescence(LIF);plasma medicine