项目名称: 员工动态匹配视角下的离职对企业绩效之影响研究
项目编号: No.71462019
项目类型: 地区科学基金项目
立项/批准年度: 2015
项目学科: 管理科学
项目作者: 倪昌红
作者单位: 江西理工大学
项目金额: 35万元
中文摘要: 员工大规模离职相比个人离职而言对企业的影响更大,近5年来组织整体层面的离职问题正成为研究热点。以往研究大多以个体离职的原因与过程为重点,而关于组织层面的离职与企业绩效间的关系却结论迥异,且极少刻画两者间的作用过程。因此亟待改进离职研究以更好地解释不同的离职对企业绩效影响何以不同的现象。本项目计划以人力资本理论为依据,划分组织整体离职和企业绩效的维度,探究离职与企业绩效间的复杂关系。同时,基于社会资本理论并整合个人-环境匹配的研究,构建员工的动态匹配模型,并以员工匹配及其动态变化、企业社会资本及其动态变化为中介变量,揭示员工离职对企业绩效的作用机理。此外,本项目还将考虑员工特征、组织特点、人力资源管理措施、环境复杂性与组织氛围的调节与干预作用。本项目的研究对厘清离职与企业绩效间的关系并揭示其作用机理具有一定的理论意义,研究成果为管理者对员工进行分类管理和降低离职的负面影响提供决策参考。
中文关键词: 整体离职;动态匹配;离职质量;企业绩效;环境复杂性
英文摘要: Large-scale employee turnover has greater influences on firm than individual turnover, and collective turnover is becoming a hot research topic in these five years. Most previous studies focused on the antecedents and processes of individual turnover, but rarely got convergent conclusions on the relationship between collective turnover and firm performance; that is, these studies rarely gave a clear explanation of the influential mechanisms. Thus more studies are needed to better explain the phenomenon of different turnovers have different influences on firm performance. This project, according to human capital theory, is planning to divide turnover and firm performance into different dimensions, and explore the complicated relationships between turnovers and firm performances. Meanwhile, in order to reveal the mechanism of employee turnover on firm performance, it will build an employee dynamic fit model based on social capital theory integrated employee-environment fit research, followed by the studies of interaction of employee dynamic fit and organizational social capital, and their mediating roles between turnover and performance. In addition, this project will also research the moderating and intervening roles of employee characteristics, organizational characteristics, human resource management practices, environmental complexity and organizational climate in the mechanisms of employee turnover and firm performance. This research has some theoretical significance for clarifying the relationships between employee turnover and firm performance, and will help practitioners manage different employees according to the employee classification and reduce the negative impacts of employee turnover on firm performance.
英文关键词: aggregate levels of turnover;dynamic fit;turnover quality;firm performance;environmental complexity