项目名称: 有向传感器网络中栅栏覆盖优化理论及算法研究
项目编号: No.61202431
项目类型: 青年科学基金项目
立项/批准年度: 2013
项目学科: 计算机科学学科
项目作者: 陶丹
作者单位: 北京交通大学
项目金额: 25万元
中文摘要: 覆盖作为无线传感器网络中的一个基本问题,反映了无线传感器网络对监测区域所能提供的"感知"服务质量。现有的无线传感器网络中覆盖控制方法的研究大都是基于全向感知模型展开的,这种感知模型假设存在着理想化和局限性,不能很好地实现对图像/视频、音频、红外、超声波等传感器节点的方向性感知能力进行有效刻画。为此,本课题以节约网络能量资源、延长网络工作寿命、提高网络覆盖性能为优化目标,开展有效支持移动目标监测的有向传感器网络栅栏覆盖优化理论与算法研究,包括栅栏覆盖形成条件的分析与评估、分布启发式的栅栏覆盖静态检测以及能量高效的栅栏覆盖动态构建等关键技术,并通过理论分析和仿真实验的手段评价和验证所设计理论与算法的有效性。本课题研究工作具有很好的创新性和实用性,其研究成果可直接用于基于有向传感器网络的监控应用中,将推动相关学科的发展,其应用具有重大的经济效益和社会效益。
中文关键词: 有向传感器网络;栅栏覆盖;覆盖控制;覆盖优化;能量有效
英文摘要: Coverage is a fundamental and commonly adopted metric to evaluate the quality of service (surveillance) that can be provided by a particular sensor network.In majority study of coverage control solutions using wireless sensor networks, sensors are assumed to have an isotropic (omni-directional) sensing model, in which the sensing range of a sensor is often abstracted as a disk and an object is said to be covered or detected by a sensor if it is within the sensing range of the sensor. However, in many practical applications, sensors often have a directional sensing model, such as image or video sensors, audio sensors, infrared sensors, ultrasonic sensors. By taking saving network energy resource, prolonging network lifetime, and improving network coverage performace, our research group carries on the research on barrier coverage optimization theories and algorithms in the context of directional sensor networks, where a directional sensor has a finite angle of view and thus cannot sense the whole circular region, in order to effectively monitor moving targets in a given area. The main works of our research are as follows: analyzing and evaluating the relationship between the probability of forming barrier coverage and the lower bound of the number of directional sensors which are randomly deployed, exploring distr
英文关键词: directional sensor network;barrier coverage;coverage control;coverage optimization;energy efficiency