项目名称: 代谢与增殖显像指导非小细胞肺癌个体化放疗靶区剂量雕刻的分子机制及应用研究
项目编号: No.81472810
项目类型: 面上项目
立项/批准年度: 2015
项目学科: 医药、卫生
项目作者: 孟雪
作者单位: 山东省医学科学院
项目金额: 74万元
中文摘要: 提高NSCLC放疗疗效的关键在于对患者分子生物特征的个体化研究,在肿瘤解剖靶区基础上考虑代谢、增殖等与放疗相关的生物学特性,选择个体化雕刻剂量及分割方式。目前检测肿瘤代谢与增殖的手段多为有创性、不易重复获取、不能全面评价代谢与增殖状态。功能分子影像技术可能是无创性动态检测肿瘤代谢与增殖的理想方法,然而FDG和FLT摄取区能否真实反映以及放疗中何时能准确反映肿瘤细胞的代谢和增殖信息,有待深入研究证实。本课题组拟在前期工作基础上,通过代谢和增殖显像结合数字化病理大切片为技术手段,分别验证PET/CT图像上FDG和FLT摄取区与在体肿瘤组织代谢和增殖活性区域空间位置的一致性,从而获得代谢和增殖显像指导NSCLC个体化放疗生物亚靶区剂量雕刻的理论基础;并进一步明确最佳显像时间点,优化代谢和增殖显像引导NSCLC放疗过程中的生物靶区勾画和局部加量,从而有望实现真正意义上个体化放疗靶区的剂量雕刻。
中文关键词: C05_气管;支气管;肺肿瘤;PET/CT;氟脱氧葡萄糖;氟代胸苷;放射治疗
英文摘要: The introduction of individual treatment into clinical practice is of great importance because it gives us the chance to improve tumor cure rates by treatment intensification in patients who are likely to respond while preventing the use of ineffective therapies with the associated normal tissue toxicity. The key of improving the effective of radiotherapy in non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) is to make sure the biological characteristics, such as metebolic and proliferation. For this, reliable predictive biologically rational markers are required that guide radiation oncologists to optimal dose presscription, selection of fraction schemes and of combined treatment for each individual patients. Detecting metabolic and proliferation using tumor tissue obtained via a biopsy or surgical resection is now routinely uesd. Because a biopsy is an invasive procedure, it is desirable to replace it with a noninvasive procedure.The encouraging improvements of anticancer treatments, better understanding of biological mechanisms of tumor resistance to therapies including radiation along with the rapid development of molecular imaging have necessitated the development of biomarkers to predict a group of patients with maximal benefit from specific treatment. Because of the heterogeneous distribution of 18F-FDG or 18F-FLT uptake within the tumor, one approach to utilize 18F-FDG or 18F-FLT PET for specific treatment is to apply inhomogeneous radiation doses to the tumor, i.e. tumor regions with elevated 18F-FDG avidity are irradiated with higher doses and standard or reduced doses are delivered to the rest of the tumor. The biological rationale for this strategy is that high 18F-FDG or 18F-FLT uptake reflects tumor regions with high cell density or proliferation, respectively. However, there is no evidence yet on the use of 18F-FDG or 18F-FLT PET imaging for this selection of patient for individualized radiotherapy. Therefore, the aim of this study is to detect whether 18F-FDG or 18F-FLT uptake could really reflect tumor regions with high cell density or proliferation, resepctively, and to detect when to conduct PET scan is the best to reflect tuomor metabolic or proliferation during radiotherapy. Then with the considerable progress in non-invasive functional and molecular imaging, the tools for treatment individualization based not only on morphological criteria but also on biological information such as metabolic and proliferative actively before and during treatment are becoming available. Development, validation and integration of imaging biomarkers using PET to improve radiotherapy are therefore an important task for further clinical practice.
英文关键词: non-small cell lung cancer;PET/CT;FDG;FLT;radiation therapy