项目名称: 碳纤维增强金属的柔性受压电铸制造技术研究
项目编号: No.51505192
项目类型: 青年科学基金项目
立项/批准年度: 2016
项目学科: 机械、仪表工业
项目作者: 钱王欢
作者单位: 江南大学
项目金额: 21万元
中文摘要: 针对目前电铸层抗拉强度过低的问题,本项目提出将高强度的碳纤维加入其中以提高强度。为使碳纤维在复合电铸层内部有序排列以最大程度发挥其增强作用,本项目在碳纤维柔性受压的条件下使其以单丝形式铺开并有序缠绕于阴极芯模表面,然后电铸成型。围绕提出的碳纤维柔性受压缠绕电铸制造技术,本项目将深入揭示碳纤维柔性受压缠绕电铸过程的液相传质机理,建立碳纤维柔性受压条件下的电场分布数学模型;突破碳纤维柔性受压缠绕的精确控制技术;研究碳纤维-基体界面性能及其对复合电铸层最终抗拉强度的影响;探索降低高碳纤维体积分数下复合电铸层内部高孔隙率的方法;制备具有明显高于国内外同类产品抗拉强度的碳纤维增强复合电铸层。
中文关键词: 电铸;碳纤维;抗拉强度;柔性受压;传质
英文摘要: In view of the low tensile strength of the electroformed layer, the carbon fiber,which has high strength, is added into it to increase its strength. The carbon fiber is wound on the surface of the cathode with the state of single filament under the condition of flexible compression, which makes the carbon fiber regularly distributed in the electroformed layer. This technique can exert the reinforcement of the carbon fiber to the maximal degree..Centering on the technique of the carbon fiber reinforced electroforming under the condition of flexible compression, the mechanism of the liquid mass transfer during the electroforming will be deeply revealed; the mathematical model of electric field distribution will be established; the technique of accurate control the process of flexible compression will be broken through; the bond strength of fiber-matrix interface and its influence on the tensile strength of the composites will be studied; the way to reduce the porosity of the composites at high carbon fiber volume fraction will be explored, and the carbon fiber reinforced electroformed layer which has significantly higher tensile strength among the similar products will be fabricated.
英文关键词: Electroform;Carbon fiber;Tensile strength;Flexible compression;Mass transfer