项目名称: 基于信号分子调控的细菌/真菌协同处理VOCs废气生物膜快速形成与定向构建方法研究
项目编号: No.51308527
项目类型: 青年科学基金项目
立项/批准年度: 2014
项目学科: 建筑科学
项目作者: 韩云平
作者单位: 中国科学院生态环境研究中心
项目金额: 25万元
中文摘要: 细菌与真菌协同可有效处理含不同类型VOCs的废气,但细菌/真菌共存生物膜的形成较困难,在填料上挂膜所需时间长。已有研究发现,生物膜中微生物间可通过分泌信号分子进行信息交流,具有群体感应现象。本研究将以VOCs中的苯系物(甲苯、二甲苯等)为目标污染物,筛选可高效降解苯系物的细菌及真菌,建立细菌/真菌协同处理苯系物的生物体系。通过分析细菌/真菌生物膜形成过程中群体感应信号分子特征、成膜特性及二者之间关系,阐明细菌/真菌协同处理VOCs生物膜形成的群体感应机制,并通过筛选关键信号分子的抑制剂或结构类似物,研究其投加量及投加方式对VOCs去除效果的影响,建立基于群体感应信号分子调控的生物膜快速形成与定向构建方法。为细菌/真菌协同高效处理VOCs废气的复合生物技术的研究与开发奠定理论基础。
中文关键词: 群体感应;信号分子;挥发性有机物;细菌/真菌生物填料;定向快速调控
英文摘要: Bacteria and fungi can cooperate effectively in treating different kinds of VOCs. But the bacteria/fungi coexist biofilms formation is difficult, and the membrane-forming requires a long time. The study showed that the microorganisms in biofilms could secrete the autoinducter for their information communication. The quorum sensing was found in biofilms. In this study, the BTEX (methylbenzene, dimethylbenzene, etc.) will be taken as the target pollutant. The biological treatment system of bacteria/fungi coprocessing BTEX was established by screening the high efficient BTEX-degrading microorganisms. The characteristics of autoinducter of bacteria/fungi, biofilm properties and the interaction relationship between them were analyzed respectively to clarify quroum sensing mechanism of biofilms formation in the process of the bacteria/fungi coordination treatment. The inhibitors or isologue of the dominating autoinducter was screened. The VOCs removal efficiency was studied in different dosing concentration and method of the inhibitors or isologue. The biofilms quick formation and directional construction methods will be established based on autoinducter of quroum sensing. In sum, the theoretical basis for the research and development of bacteria/fungi efficient treatment of VOCs was provided due to this study.
英文关键词: Quorum Sensing;Signal Molecule;Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs);Bacteria/Fungi Biological Filler;Rapid Directional Control