项目名称: 玉米磷信号途径调控基因序列变异及其与耐低磷性状的关联分析
项目编号: No.31471511
项目类型: 面上项目
立项/批准年度: 2015
项目学科: 食品科学、农学基础与作物学
项目作者: 高世斌
作者单位: 四川农业大学
项目金额: 80万元
中文摘要: 磷是植物生长发育必需的大量元素。我国西南地区多数土壤有效磷严重不足,且磷肥的当季利用率很低,导致水土污染及对磷矿资源的不可再生消耗。解决此问题最有效的途径就是培育并推广耐低磷新品种,提高作物磷利用效率。本项目将在对玉米磷利用性状的资源、遗传和分子机理研究基础之上,以磷信号通路中ZmPHR和ZmPHO等关键调控因子为候选基因,通过关联分析及其他分子生物学方法,分析目标基因在遗传多样性玉米种质中的序列变异,挖掘耐低磷性状的优良单体型并开发功能分子标记,为开展玉米磷高效分子育种提供技术和理论参考。
中文关键词: 玉米;低磷胁迫;候选基因;关联分析
英文摘要: Phosphorus is an essential element for plant growth and development. In southwest China, most soil is deficient for available phosphorus and application of phosphorus fertilizer for crops is a necessary measure to ensure harvesting normal grain product. However, the utilization of phosphorus for crops is very low, which leads to environment pollution and resource depletion of phosphate rock. Development of variety with high utilization efficiency of phosphorus is the fundamental approach to solve this problem. In this proposal, on the basis of germplasm screening, genetic and molecular mechanism for low phosphorus stress in maize, key regulatory genes in Pi-signaling pathway such as ZmPHR and ZmPHO will be assayed for DNA sequence diversity and favorable allele mining of phosphorus utilization using association analysis and molecular technology. We expect this study will supply not only technological tools for molecular breeding of improving Pi utilization but also relevant theory for understanding molecular responsive mechanism of low phosphorus stress in maize.
英文关键词: Maize;Low phosphorus;Candidata gene;Association analysis