项目名称: 粗粒度可重构架构的软错误自适应防护模型与方法研究
项目编号: No.61201059
项目类型: 青年科学基金项目
立项/批准年度: 2013
项目学科: 电子学与信息系统
项目作者: 绳伟光
作者单位: 上海交通大学
项目金额: 25万元
中文摘要: 粗粒度可重构计算架构(CGRA)高并行、低功耗的特点使其在民用高效能与空间高可靠计算领域具有广阔的应用前景。但随着工艺尺寸的持续缩小,地面环境下同样面临日益严峻的软错误影响,这严重阻碍了CGRA架构在高性能高可靠领域的应用。因此本课题针对CGRA架构的软错误问题,探索功能与可靠性均可灵活重构的新型CGRA架构,研究适用不同领域、具有自适应能力的软错误防护方法。首先抽象CGRA的通用架构模型,籍此对软错误效应模型及评估方法进行研究;然后开展对各类软错误防护方法不同效果、相容性及相互作用的评估;构建具有自适应防护能力的CGRA架构模型及验证平台,最终给出CGRA通用架构下软错误自适应防护的一般方法。当前CGRA架构的软错误问题及自适应防护方法尚未得到充分关注,更缺乏高可靠环境下的应用研究,因此本课题对两者的结合必将推动CGRA架构软错误可靠性理论的发展,拓展其在高效能、高可靠计算领域的应用。
中文关键词: 软错误;可重构;粗粒度;分析;加固
英文摘要: Coarse-grained reconfigurable architecture (CGRA) has higher parallelism and lower power consumption, which enables its promising application for both high efficient civil computing and high reliability space computing realms. However, the ever decreasing technology size makes ground computing devices more susceptible to soft error than before, impeding the application of CGRA in high performance and high reliability fields. Hence, focusing on the soft error issue in CGRA, this research explors new CGRA architecture with flexible reconfigurability both in its functionality and reliability, and proposes multi-realm adaptive soft error mitigation methodology. Firstly, based on a general architectural model of CGRA, soft errors can be modeled and characterized. Secondly, the effectiveness, compatibility and mutual implication of the various mitigation schemes are evaluated. Finally, a CGRA architecture with adaptive mitigation capability is proposed with a complete verification platform, as well as the adaptive mitigation scheme for the general CGRA architecture. Currently the soft error issue and its adaptive mitigating methodology have not yet been fully addressed, and its application in high rebility enviroment is also missing. Therefore, combining the two subjects, our reasearch would essentially advance the so
英文关键词: Soft Error;Reconfigurable;Coarse-grained;Analysis;Hardening