项目名称: 面向可重构多核处理器系统的分层次自适应优化机制研究
项目编号: No.61502181
项目类型: 青年科学基金项目
立项/批准年度: 2016
项目学科: 自动化技术、计算机技术
项目作者: 张惠臻
作者单位: 华侨大学
项目金额: 19万元
中文摘要: 处理器系统的优化设计是计算机系统设计中最基础和核心的问题。现阶段,异构、多核、可重构定制已成为处理器设计尤其是嵌入式处理器设计最具前景的方案之一。但是,这也对串行软件在其中的兼容执行性能提出了挑战,同时系统处理资源的充分利用也成为需要考虑的问题。针对这一情况,本项目将多路动态并行剖析方法应用于可重构多核处理器系统中,通过识别关键数据通路获取多核任务的执行热点。在此基础上,1)从局部优化角度,针对系统可重构资源的利用和热点任务的执行,基于核间指令挪用和特征宏指令构造的思想,重点研究多核环境下的指令集自适应混成扩展技术;2)从全局优化角度,针对所有处理核和软件任务,重点研究基于并行指派和动态迁移的两阶段任务自适应并行化机制,提高系统并行度。本课题的顺利开展为解决可重构多核处理器中串行软件的执行性能问题提供了层次化的新方法,同时也对系统资源利用率的提升具有重要理论意义和实际应用价值。
中文关键词: 异构多核系统;可重构计算;专用指令;自适应优化;资源利用
英文摘要: The design of optimizational processors is the core and basic of computer systems. At the present, heterogeneous multicore and reconfigurable computing technologies are the promising plan for future processor design paradigms. However, it poses significant challenges to design compatible software with traditional unicore processors. Furthermore, it remains unresolved problem that how to improve the area utilization efficiency due to diverse computing resources.. To tackle these problems, this research introduces dynamic parallel profiling techniques into reconfigurable multicore processor system design, thereby to recognize the hot spot and bottleneck during application execution via detecting the key execution datapaths. Based on the results, this research focuses on two aspects: 1) First is the local optimization. Considering the reconfigurable resource utilization and key task execution, we explore the instruction embezzlement between cores, abstract the characteristic functions into macro instruction, and research the mixed instruction-set extension technique under multicore environment. 2) Second is the global optimization. With respect to the task-level parallelism on hardware accelerators, we intend to explore the adaptive parallel assignment and dynamic migration for all hardware cores and software tasks on the reconfigurable multicore processor.. Finally, this research provides a novel concept and hierarchical solution to improve the performance of reconfigurable multicore processors, while also has important theoretical significance and experimental value to enhance the resource utilization.
英文关键词: Heterogeneous multicore systems;Reconfigurable computing;Custom instructions;Adaptive optimization;Resource utilization