Works on quantum computing and cryptanalysis has increased significantly in the past few years. Various constructions of quantum arithmetic circuits, as one of the essential components in the field, has also been proposed. However, there has only been a few studies on finite field inversion despite its essential use in realizing quantum algorithms, such as in Shor's algorithm for Elliptic Curve Discrete Logarith Problem (ECDLP). In this study, we propose to reduce the depth of the existing quantum Fermat's Little Theorem (FLT)-based inversion circuit for binary finite field. In particular, we propose follow a complete waterfall approach to translate the Itoh-Tsujii's variant of FLT to the corresponding quantum circuit and remove the inverse squaring operations employed in the previous work by Banegas et al., lowering the number of CNOT gates (CNOT count), which contributes to reduced overall depth and gate count. Furthermore, compare the cost by firstly constructing our method and previous work's in Qiskit quantum computer simulator and perform the resource analysis. Our approach can serve as an alternative for a time-efficient implementation.
翻译:在过去几年里,量子计算和加密分析工程显著增加,还提出了各种量子算术电路的构造,作为实地基本组成部分之一,也提出了各种建议,然而,尽管在量子算法(如Shor的Elliptic Curve Discrete Logarith 问题算法(ECDLP))中,对有限场反演进行了必要使用,例如,在Shor的 Elliptic Curve Discrete Logarith 问题算法(ECDLP)中,我们建议降低现有量子 Fermat's Little Theorem (FLT) 的深度,以二进制有限字段的反转电路。我们特别建议采取完整的瀑布法方法,将Itoh-Tsujii的FLT变异体转化为相应的量子电路,并消除Banegas等人先前工作中使用的反向截断线操作,从而降低了CNOT门数(CNOT co) 的总数和门计数。此外,我们的方法可以比较我们的方法和以前在Qskit Qskit 计算机模拟模拟器模拟器模拟器中的工作的成本,并进行资源效率分析。我们的方法可以作为替代的替代方法,作为替代方法,作为替代方法,可以用作一个时间模拟。