项目名称: 用于单细胞原位实时检测的超微阵列传感器研究
项目编号: No.61271147
项目类型: 面上项目
立项/批准年度: 2013
项目学科: 无线电电子学、电信技术
项目作者: 刘春秀
作者单位: 中国科学院电子学研究所
项目金额: 76万元
中文摘要: 细胞是有机体的生理功能和一切生命现象的基础,细胞的受激释放在生命活动中具有十分重要的作用。通过集成多阵列微电极传感器研究单细胞动态变化,进行细胞分泌物原位实时定量检测分析,对细胞生理、病理过程和药物筛选等研究有重要意义。 本项目面向生命科学研究和重大疾病早期检测治疗等方面的需求,开展集成超微电极阵列生物传感器制备的新方法、新技术及单细胞痕量物质检测等研究。在集成超微多阵列电极制备工艺路线、传感器集成设计、细胞自锚定技术等方面进行深入探索研究;进行多阵列传感器的多参数检测选择修饰关键技术研究,实现不同特异活性物质在电极表面的固定和表征;通过单细胞的原位、实时、微量、多通道、多组分检测,对电极制备工艺和修饰方法等进行反馈研究,解决传感器的生物相容性和稳定性等关键问题。本研究将为人类神经等重大疾病的机理揭示与治疗提供研究基础,并促进生物医学电子学、微纳电子学、信息科学等多学科领域联合。
中文关键词: 超微电极;神经单细胞;原位检测;定点修饰;
英文摘要: Cell is the basis of the physiological functions of the organism and all lives, and the secretion of the cells stimulated has a very important role in the life activities. The microelectrode sensor with integrated multi-array can be used for monitoring of exocytosis from single cell and in situ real-time quantitative detection of single cell, which is significant on research of cell physiological and pathological processes and drug screening. New methods will be developed for the preparation of the integrated ultra-microelectrode biosensor; new technologies will be developed for detection of an extremely small number secretion from single-cell to meet the needs of life science research of the nerves and other major diseases in this study. Deep exploration and research will be done on the electrode preparation process for the integration of advanced micro devices, design of integrated sensor, cell-anchored technology. Key technologies will be developed for multi-parameter detection of multi-array sensor to immobilize and character specific active substances on the electrode's surface; Biocompatibility and stability of the sensor will be studied for in situ, real-time, multi-channel and multi-component monitoring secretion of single cell. The feedback studies on electrode preparation process and modified methods w
英文关键词: Ultra microelectrode;nerve cell;in situ detection;site-directed modification;